Nice to meet you,

I am an enthusiastic up and coming Full stack Developer who loves watching an idea come to life. I see every challenge as an opportunity to learn and find motivation in the unknown. I enjoy putting my curiosityand problem solving skills to the test while coding.

Connect with me:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Python
  • Django
  • Node
  • React
  • Bash
  • Git
  • Material UI
  • MongoDB
  • postgreSQL
  • Bootstrap
  • MaterializeCSS
  • jQuery
  • Cognito
  • S3 / EC2
  • Lambda functions
  • DynamoDB
JotBox (React) - features being added

Help with writers block or just practice your writing skills with fun random writing prompts

Create new Drafts with a random prompt. Add Genres that you like to write about.

View other users writen drafts, search by name or filter by genres.

Server Code / Client Code / Demo

AWS Cognito Lambda functions React JavaScript DynamoDB Draftjs
Work & Rise Admin

Created an internal Admin page using React by reusing platform components and designing custom UIs.

Code(private) / Demo(private)

DynamoDB React-Bootstrap Express JavaScript Node.js S3 React
Work & Rise

Added features to a production codebase using React, Node and Lambda functions

Built serverless review & 5-star rating system for platform transactions with AWS Lambda & DynamoDB.

Created React components integrating backend PUT and POST APIs for editing production applications.

Code(private) / Demo

DynamoDB React-Bootstrap Express JavaScript Node.js Lambda functions S3 React

Input left over ingredients to get recipe ideas. Logged in users can save recipes for later and delete them

Code / Demo

MongoDB Mongoose MaterializeCSS Express JavaScript Node.js jQuery EJS
Jot Box

Help with writers block by getting randomly generated prompt ideas. Users can create, update and delete entries.

Code / Demo

Python Django MaterializeCSS jQuery javaScript postgreSQL
Digital Nomad

Send custom paper post cards while traveling, (Being rebuilt with a React front end

Server Code / Client Code / Demo

(not deployed yet)

Node.js JavaScript Bootstrap Express React Axios MongoDB JWT